Instructional Innovation Center
Welcome to Northeast Lakeview College Distance Learning and Instructional Innovation Center (IIC)! The mission of the IIC is to provide support for students and faculty who are engaged in technology-based learning. Northeast Lakeview College offers several courses in hybrid and online-only environments. The IIC staff ensures that the experience students have with online learning environments is of the highest quality.
Northeast Lakeview College uses the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). The IIC assists students and faculty in the use of the Canvas LMS in both fully online, face-to-face, and hybrid courses. We strive to learn and help faculty become knowledgeable in the most up-to-date technology advancements in education.
IIC/DLC offers several programs, including the Orientation to Online Learning (OLRN) for students and the Online Teaching Certification (OTC), Introduction to Canvas, and Creating Presence in Your Online Course (CPYOC) for faculty.
View the Privacy Policy for Students Enrolled in Distance Learning Courses.
Our services
NLC Instructional Designer
- Nancy Tran
- Jennifer L Lozano-Dozier
ACOL Instructional Designer
- Barbara Wong
Comal Learning Resource Center #123
(210) 486-5372
(210) 486-9181